Sunday AfternoonBrand Identity
Partner & Executive Producer: Audrie Poole
Partner & Executive Creative Director: Rich Tu
Partner & Creative Director: Juan Carlos Pagan
Partner & Creative Director: Ahmed Klink
Project Manager: Elizibeth Brightly
Senior Designer: Xiaoyu Xue
Designer: Simon Freour
Designer: Beatriz Lozano
Designer: Karan Kumar
Designer: Ariana Gupta
Designer: Kee Wei Chin
Designer: Rand Rivera
Designer: Aarman Roy
Designer: Yuan Zhang
Design Intern: Evan White
Sunday Afternoon partnered with the experience firm HyperSpace to create a visual identity, powered by youth culture, that can traverse the URL to IRL. A dynamic wordmark and logo that can shift and change with culture anchor this system and house the diverse range of content within the park. In addition, bespoke environmental graphics and a robust website experience make House of Hype unique inside and out.
All Experience Design and Park images courtesy of Hyperspace.