Mobile App Design

Instructors: Melike Turgut & Peter Colon
School of Visual Arts, 2024
UOMO is a mobile app designed to empower young men to develop their own style and easily sort through the vast amount of clothing available online. It allows users to find unique pieces, learn how to style them, and save them to collections where they can placed on a moodboard. UOMO’s design is informed by interviews and online research that revealed key areas of friction people experience while shopping.



I kicked off the project by conducting four interviews from men in my target audience and researching several fashion sub-Reddits. Across interviewees and online testimonials I began to notice several common pain points that hindered their ability to develop their personal style. 


Trust in Brands is Important

Trusting that a clothing item will be as expected when ordering online is essential. Brands that are reliable are often stuck to.

Fear of Wasting Money

Interviewees had anxiety about wasting money on clothing online that they would not like or wouldn’t fit once it arrived in person.

Styling Education Needed

Know what to buy is hard when you do not know how to style the clothes you buy. Styling education is a hurdle that creates friction while shopping.

Shopping Motivations

Interviewees often shopped out of necessity, for work or because clothes were old. Fashion inspiration come from pop culture or people they see in public.


UOMO’s Wardrobe section is comprised of collections that the user saves
items to, where they can be used as assets in a moodboard.

Discover allows users browse clothes and fashion references to save for later. Clothes are pulled from online and categorized in a feed for easy browsing.


Wardrobe Visualization

To alleviate the stress of the shopping cart, users can have fun saving items onto a board where they can see how items look together and plan an outfit they may like to buy. Adding photos, drawings, or typing out notes can be a fun way to ideate on how users want to develop their style.

Styling Education

Research revealed that men do not know how to begin their fashion jounrey. To help alleviate stress , UOMO integrates styling education intro product pages and styling artcles provide reference for users to pull from.


Interviewees needed help sifting through the mass amount of clothing options online. To reduce the number of decisions the user needed to make, I designed categories that responded to their needs. 

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